A type of publicity and a media technic : Economical results

These spectacles are not only planned with the aim of emphasizing heritage but also with the goal of promoting a new type of art, the “mapping video”. To be able to create this type of show is a chance for every small and new firm to be known and sign new contracts in the future.

Sons et lumière are most of the time linked with the cultural program of the city.
Some people, interested in culture will add to their visit and the show, the visit of exhibitions in the city or region. For example, in Nancy, the show isn’t linked with the story of the city but with the theme of a very big Renaissance festival with exhibitions, music, market etc…
here is the website of the event where you can see the all programm of the festival : http://www.renaissancenancy2013.com/
Restaurant and bars close to the event will see the number of tourists increase every night of the show, they can open a bit longer to cover the entire show. It’s the same for the car parks in the city: with the enormous number of visitors the amount of the takings will be quite satisfying.

The results here are indirect for the city and will allow it to invest in other show of that type.

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