Before realizing the show, the creators of these events have to decide what will be the content of the show, the main theme, according to the instructions of cities, tourist offices.
These choices are really important because they will create the image of the building seen by the public and influenced the way the visitor will see the monuments after.
• The first type of shows, very simple consists in projecting lights effects on the monument according or not to the architecture. The point is not to deliver a message, it’s purely visual, and the cathedral is the support, the excuse to make a show.
The following video is an extract from the spectacle of Laon in 2010, we can only see the lights that changed the colors. The music is the famous music theme from the movie Requiem for a dream
• Sometimes they create a theme to the spectacle, linked to the story of the city:
In Rouen, in 2013 the theme was the impressionnists and Monet

In the city of Laon, they've created a show linked to the story of the city and the fact that it was under the sea millions years ago.
Next, you'll find a link to the website of the company that has realized the show, they're called "Ondine Evénement" and they posted the video mapping of the son et lumière of 2013 :
• In other cases there is a will to create a story with a narrative and coherent thread, with a beginning and an end. They sometimes add dialogs between characters or a narrator that can make the spectacle more real.
Next this is a short film that I've edited thanks to the video mapping of Laon's spectacle of 2011 and 2012, you'll see the main moments of the show. It was the story of the gargoyles of the cathedral that wanted to find back their colors and the ones of the cathedral. To do that they seek for flowers, a rainbow and even the moon.
• The most complicated type of show makes historical references and is linked to the past of the monument or the city.
This is an extract of the son et lumière in Rouen, that used the story of Jeanne D'arc, we can see the cathedral burning :
To do that they have to study the medieval iconography and polychromy, but, there isn’t always collaboration between researcher in architecture and creators of the show.
With these type of show the monument isn’t the excuse but the center of spectacle.
We can cote the city of Amiens that creats every year a show presenting the missing colors of the cathedral's portals, they used the remains of colors that we can see on the portals and present the real colors.
But, according to me the most amazing show presenting the story of the cathedral is the one of the city of Reims that present the construction of the monument by the builders. They filmed real people dancing as if they were putting the stones of the cathedral : this is the video of Reims' spectacle :
• The story can also be humoristic or didactic, to be closer to the young public.
But it must be done carefully because it can easily pervert the historical content.
The gargoyles dancing with fluorescent colors (on the left)
In the city of Nancy in 2013 (on the right), they used the Renaissance theme, with no direct link to the city. We can see the Joconde or the Man of Vitruve (absolutely no link with Nancy...).But the best part is intervention of the philosopher Érasme mixing sound as a DJ call Erasmus (Funny but no very historic...)
Sounds and music are important factors of the show. The makers can use a music that already exists, classic music or famous rock songs. Some other have decided to create music especially for the show (example of song to the moon singing by the gargoyle in Laon's show)