These floodlighting projects need some specific computer program, high-performance to elaborate a show calculated to the split second. It also need high level equipment to project and a team with high qualifications
first step consists in recording the all cathedral using a laser. This is a new
way to transfer a huge monument or a volume, in its every detail, on a
computer. That is to say the monument itself, its size (every side, in a
longitudinal or transversal way, its floor plan…), its sculptural decoration
(statues, gargoyles, gates...).
it's done, technicians can work the monument on the computer, create an
animation with images, etc...
illustrate this new technology, I invite you to visit the following website :
This website was created by Stephen Murray (Professor of Art History and Archaeology at Columbia University) and Andrew Tallon (Assistant Professor of Art at Vassar College)
realize that pictures are not enough to represent a space on a computer,
especially a gothic one. They published on the website pictures with high
quality but also 3D maps of the architectonical volume, panoramic views as if
we were inside the monument.
We can make comparisons
between monuments: which one has the
highest nave, the biggest floorplan...etc...
is a very amazing website for both student and scholars.
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