In England too we can found light shows, it was created by french people in the 1950’s but it’s not only a French thing anymore!
I choose to speak about French examples, most of them situated in the north of France, because it’s something that I know and I’ve seen in reality! I don’t think I will be able to speak about English shows as well as French shows!

But, to go further in my research and because we’re in an English class I had to speak at least about one English example.
I choose the one dated from the Olympic Games in 2012. The House of Parliaments received on its faces a spectacular light show presenting all the sports performed during the Olympics: swimming, running, tennis etc…
We can see a nice mapping video: they explain the story of London, had thrown the flag Union jack all other the Parliament, also pictures of famous sportsmen…

They explain that they wanted to show London’s heritage by presenting all the famous champions from 1908 to now, former champions to new names emerging.
They had thrown the show every evening during the Olympics and the Paralympics.
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